Our Services
Every work we do aims at aligning your Structure and Culture to your Strategy.
We offer a complementary range of services to re-align your structure, culture and strategy:
STRATEGY – WHERE your organization intends to go. Your goals, and proposed pathways to those goals.
CULTURE – WHAT your leaders and employees do day-to-day. The values and principles that guide everyday behavior, decision-making and communication
STRUCTURE – HOW your organization is actually articulated into parts. The chains of command and reporting that guide task coordination and resource allocation.
As the business goes and the environment changes, those three elements tend to fall out of alignment. When this happens the organization loses balance. Resources are not allocated effectively, it takes more effort to get anything done, and people are frustrated.
Pushing harder is not a long-term solution. Yet, people are often so tied up into the day-to-day that they no longer have capacity to address structural issues, so the situation only deteriorates.
We offer an external eye to help you reset and rebalance your structure and culture to the shifting needs of your strategy, and changing environment. To do this, we work with you on three levels:
Organizational level
Team level
Individual level
Any training's goal is to move up the development ladder, it is not only to help people being just a little better.
We want to help our clients creating new stories. To do so, you need a new starting point and our workshops are about starting from a different place to reach a greater impact.
Our methodologies are practice based, because the biggest challenge is not about understanding, it is about applying new knowledge in your everyday life.
We are the product of our environment. Concsiously or unconciously, your environment has a tremendous impact on your behavior. Sometimes the system itself needs to be addressed as a whole. We help our clients through several services:
・Diagnosis of your organization using the various narrative based approaches to identify the stories that take place in your organization, and create new ones.
・Process Consulting that consists mostly in removing ineffective control processes to develop your people's ownership.
・Workshop Design that allows creative and constructive dialogues. As we often say, everything starts from a conversation, and a higher quality of conversation creates a higher quality of action.
Recruiting experienced professionals is tricky nowdays.
Leveraging on an extensive network of highly-skilled professionals, we offer human resources advisory services.
During a defined period or for a specific project, it allows us to deliver in-depth insights about your organization, help you re-design your workplace, and train you in our methodology.
Any potential need? Connect with us!